Monday, December 29, 2008


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Mon, Dec 29, 2008 at 1:28 AM


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"The Civil Servant is Knocking on ETAT's Door" - 1 new article

  1. Blind Test - saison 2009-2009 : Dans une semaine, la quatrième étape.
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Blind Test - saison 2009-2009 : Dans une semaine, la quatrième étape.

Blind Test: quatrième étape dans une semaine.

A force que je vous le dise, vous commencez à le savoir (peut être même commençé-je à vous lasser), le World contest of the blind test qui va se dérouler sur 10 mois en arrive (déjà) à sa quatrième étape. Habituellement (et ça aussi vous le savez) l'épreuve a habituellement lieu tous les 28 du mois. Oui mais voilà, décembre est un mois particulier, un mois de feignant aux yeux de notre président (avec le mois de mai bien sûr), durant lequel au lieu de bosser encore plus dur pour engranger le surplus d'argent que le premier Madoff venu vous cramera en moins de temps qu'il n'en faut à un missile du Hamas pour bombarder les territoires occupées et provoquer la riposte d'Israel), vous glandez en vacances (mon dieu que vous êtes petits bourgeois quand même !). Pour cette raison, le blind test de décembre, quatrième de la série a été reportée au Dimanche 4 janvier.
Autant dire dans une semaine !

Comme vous le savez sans doute maintenant il y aura un cadeau pour le vainqueur final. Et comme vous le savez aussi, il s'agira d'un album du Civil Servant, çe qui veut dire une compilation de titres plus ou moins connus, plus ou moins rares, d'un peu toutes les époques, qui traînent aux quatre coins de ma discothèque. Avec pochette originale et notes en pages intérieures, rédigées de ma blanche main.

En outre, suite à la demande de plusieurs d'entre vous, ce lot sera attribué à deux vainqueurs. En effet, nombre d'entre vous ont déjà une, voire deux épreuves de retard (parce qu'ils avaient omis de participer aux premières épreuves). Tout n'est pas perdu pour eux (ou elles). En effet, celui ou celle qui totalisera le plus de hauts scores (20 et 19), sera lui aussi l'heureux ou l'heureuse récipiendaire de la dite compilation (qui n'en doutons vaudra de l'or lorsque le Civil Servant sera devenu une légende sur la blogosphère et ailleurs). En cas d'égalité c'est le nombre de vingt qui départagera les ex-aequo (en cas de nouvelle égalité, ce sera le nombre total de points qui sera le juge de paix)

Le déroulement : même chose que les mois précédents : 9 titres et interprètes à retrouver à partir d'extraits d'une longueur variable mais généralement assez courte quand même (sans doute de plus en plus courte à mesure qu'on avancera dans ce contest). Chaque question valant deux points (un point pour l'interprète, un point pour le titre du morceau). On ajoutera le sel d'une question subsidiaire, en rapport avec l'un des neuf extraits à décoder. Celle-ci vaudra 2 points. Ce qui nous amènera à un total de vingt points. Je sais tout ça est très scolaire.

Afin que chacun puisse prendre le temps de venir (que ce ne soit pas la course au premier arrivé), le blind test restera en ligne durant dix jours, ce qui sera le délai pour répondre. Surtout ne mettez pas les réponses dans les commentaires, ça casserait le jeu. Les réponses vous me les adresserez par mail à

Et le lendemain des dits dix jours, je donnerai les réponses ici même ainsi que les scores obtenus et cumulés après quatre épreuves.

Donc n'oubliez pas, à vos starting blocks le Dimanche 4 Janvier pour la quatrième étape du World contest of the Blind Test.

D'ici là, on a encore quelques jours pour participer chez Dragibus à son propre championnat. Et bien sûr aussi, les tripots habituels : Coolbeans, Mariaque, Davnat et Sonic (j'espère n'oublier personne).


PS : pour ceux que j'ai déjà prévenu par email, je me confonds en excuses devant le caractère superfétatoire de ce billet.

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"6070rock !!!" - 2 new articles

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Kung Tung
1978 - Det Är Ett Kort Liv 192

Blues, R&B, hard rock, progressivo... Segue mais um bom disco de uma ótima banda da Suécia.
Apesar dos "Zé Manés" que ficam mandando mensagens ofensivas, continuo achando legal compartilhar com voces os discos que nunca tivemos a oportunidade de ter, ouvir. E é facil perceber que aqui, na terra do samba, tem muita gente que gosta do bom e velho Rock'n'Roll. Este disco é para voces.

Para os "Zé Manés" e suas mensagens idiotas:
Vão lamber sabão !!!

Front cover
Link on picture


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Red Pony
1975 - Red Pony 256vbr

Hard rock tradicional, com ótimo instrumental e vocal feminino rasgado. Se não me falha a memória, é uma banda americana.

Front cover
Hit the picture to get the link
Password: -6070Rock-


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"arquivossonoros" - 11 new articles

  1. Françoise Hardy - The Yeh-Yeh Girl from Paris
  2. documentário sobre ritler e a guerra
  3. Antologia Do Choro; 2 volumes
  4. músicas instrumentais tocadas ao som de flauta Chilena
  5. chico Xavier - Mensagens De Luz
  6. Divaldo Franco
  7. Natércia Barreto - Sucessos
  8. Sonia y Latinomusicaviva Canta a Violeta Parra - 10 Temas de Amor 1980
  9. Solos De Acordeon
  10. Mercedes Sosa - Homenaje a Violeta Parra
  11. Escrava Isaura - dvd4
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Françoise Hardy - The Yeh-Yeh Girl from Paris

Françoise Hardy - The Yeh-Yeh Girl from Paris
01 C'est A L'amour Auquel Je Pense.mp3
02 Ça À Rate.mp3
03 La Fille Avec Toi.mp3
04 Il Est Tout Pour Moi.mp3
05 Les Temps De L'Amour.mp3
06 J'suis D'accord.mp3
07 On Se Plaît.mp3
08 J'ai Jeté Mon Coeur.mp3
09 Oh Oh Chéri.mp3
10 Il Est Parti Un Jour.mp3
11 Ton Meilleur Ami.mp3
12 Tous Les Garçons Et Les Filles.mp3

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documentário sobre ritler e a guerra

abaixo vai o link para baixarem o endereço com os links para 2 documentários sobre guerra.
documentários em avi com o áudio em espanhol e inglês.
Grandes Enigmas del Siglo XX - Ep.03 [El Ejercito Secreto de Stalin].avi
Grandes Enigmas del Siglo XX - Ep.03 [Los Ultimos Dias de Hitler].avi
link para download:

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Antologia Do Choro; 2 volumes

Antologia do Choro I - 1975
01 - Ernesto Nazareth - Escorregando - Brejeito - Apanhei-te cavaquinho.mp3
02 -Chiquinha Gonzaga - Atraente - Gaucho.mp3
03 - Luiz Americano - E Do Que há - Numa Seresta.mp3
04 - Jacob do Bandolim - Doce de Coco - Noites Cariocas.mp3
05 - Altamiro Carrilho - Flauteando na Chacrinha - Canarinho teimoso.mp3
06 - Zequinha de Abreu - Os Pintinhos no Terreiro - Tico-tico no fubá.mp3
07 - K-Ximbinho - Sonoroso - Sempre.mp3
08 - Waldir Azevedo - Pedacinho de Céu - Brasileirinho.mp3
09 - Bonfiglio de Oliveira - Amor não se Compra - Flamengo.mp3
10 - Pixinguinha - Lamento - Um a zero - Carinhoso.mp3
Antologia Do Choro II - 1977
01. Ansiedade.mp3
02. Vou Vivendo.mp3
03. Mistura e Manda.mp3
04. Paraquedista.mp3
05. Travessuras  do Sérgio.mp3
06. Serpentina.mp3
07. Tenebroso.mp3
08. Flor Amorosa.mp3
09. Urubu Rei.mp3
10. Homenagem a Velha Guarda.mp3
11. Na Glória.mp3
12. Acorda Luiz.mp3
13. Urubu Malandro.mp3
14. O Nó.mp3

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músicas instrumentais tocadas ao som de flauta Chilena

músicas instrumentais tocadas
ao som de flauta Chilena.
O link é este:

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chico Xavier - Mensagens De Luz


Segue um álbum com mensagens de luz, na voz de Chico Xavier
43963 KB

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Divaldo Franco

Segue mais uma, das incontáveis lições sábias de Divaldo Franco, para todos
os que se interessam.

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Natércia Barreto - Sucessos

repassando de portugal
Natércia Barreto - Sucessos
ofereço-vos este trabalho que recolhi num sítio e que remasterizei.
Não ficou um trabalho como gostaria que ficasse, pois algumas faixas ainda
ficaram com uns muito poucos ruídos.
Fiz o melhor que pude, pois os meios que possuo não permitem fazer melhor.
Esta artista, Natércia Barreto, natural de Moçambique, antiga colónia
portuguesa, foi conhecido muito por culpa de um êxito originário da África
do Sul e que foi adaptado para a língua portuguesa - Óculos de Sol.
Era eu um miúdo pertencente ao Colégio de Cegos Branco Rodrigues quando ela
apareceu no mundo das músicas.
Guardo dela uma ideia de uma artista nada simpática e cuja beleza não era
nada de especial.
Na altura, foi considerada a Celly Campello portuguesa ou moçambicana.
Ficha técnica:
Intérprete: Natércia Barreto
Álbum: Sucessos
Género: Pop Português
Velocidade de bits 192kbps
01. a tua canção
02. felicidades
03. goodbye
04. may i tell you
05. triste e só
06. óculos de sol
07. boom bang-a-bang
08. gigi
09. lá lá lá
10. zum-zum-zum
11. monsieur mon gars
12. primavera do amor
13. vem meu amor
14. sem ti tão só
15. o combóio do amor
16. bem-vindo o sol
17. deixem-me ser teenager
18. são francisco
Nome: NBS.rar
Tamanho: (59.75 MB)
Ligação disponível - (até 60 dias depois da última descarga)

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Sonia y Latinomusicaviva Canta a Violeta Parra - 10 Temas de Amor 1980

Sonia y Latinomusicaviva Canta a Violeta Parra - 10 Temas de Amor 1980
01-Volver a los 17.mp3
02-La Lavandera.mp3
03-Corazón Maldito.mp3
04-Run Run se fue pa'l Norte.mp3
05-La jardinera.mp3
06-Gracias a la vida.mp3
07-Que he sacado con quererte.mp3
08-El albertio.mp3
09-El rin del angelito.mp3
10-Santiago penando estás.mp3

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Solos De Acordeon

Infelizmente não tenho o nome das faixas, quando baixei, não já estava assim.
Solos De Acordeon - Lugar De Delícias

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Mercedes Sosa - Homenaje a Violeta Parra

Mercedes Sosa - Homenaje a Violeta Parra
01 - Defensa De Violeta.mp3
02 - Gracias A La Vida.mp3
03 - Según El Favor Del Viento.mp3
04 - Arriba Quemando El Sol.mp3
05 - Me Gustan Los Estudiantes.mp3
06 - Volver A Los 17.mp3
07 - La Carta.mp3
08 - Que He Sacado Con Quererte.mp3
09 - La Lavandera.mp3
10 - Rin Del Angelito.mp3
11 - Los Pueblos Americanos.mp3

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Escrava Isaura - dvd4

Escrava Isaura - dvd4

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"BLUES TOWN (The City Of Blues)" - 2 new articles

  1. DAVID EGAN: You Don't Know Your Mind
  2. JAMES COTTON: Living the Blues
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  4. Search BLUES TOWN (The City Of Blues)

DAVID EGAN: You Don't Know Your Mind

"The history of piano blues is played out on this album: barrelhouse rockers like 'You're Lyin' Again,' slithering New Orleans funk on 'Love Honor and Obey,' and torch song weepers like 'Bourbon in My Cup' all play flawlessly... Ultimately, Egan's tasteful touch comes through in each track on this delightful record."

"You Don't Know Your Mind is worth the wait... alternately wry and touching lyrics and deep, rich vocal phrasing... a CD filled with highlights... and like the work of Louisiana songwriting legend Bobby Charles, Egan's new version of "Sing It" -- his hit for Marcia Ball, Tracy Nelson and Irma Thomas -- shows that some songs shine brightest when they're delivered by their creators."
Scott Jordan, The Independent

"The 11-song set is a simmering bouillabaisse of originals that serves the full range of Egan's musical flavors spiked with his knowing, whisky cured vocals... 'Bourbon in My Cup' is a 100 proof, late-night ballad that would have made Charles Brown smile." Dave Rubin, Guitar Edge

Recording information: La Louisiana Studio, Lafayette, Louisiana (2008).

Personnel: David Egan (vocals); Kevin Gordon, Buddy Flett (guitar); Dennis Taylor (baritone saxophone); Ron Eoff (bass guitar); Paul Griffith (drums); Mike Dillon (percussion); Katie Rees, Charlene Howard (background vocals).


1. You Don't Know Your Mind
2. You're Lyin' Again
3. If It is What It is (It's Love) - (featuring Jennifer Niceley)
4. Bourbon In My Cup
5. Love Honor & Obey
6. Money's Farm
7. Small Fry
8. Best of Love Turned Blue
9. Sing It
10. Proud Dog
11. Smile

.. Year: 2008
.. Label: Rhonda Sue Records
.. Bitrate: VBR
.. Home-Page:
.. MySpace:
.. Buy: CD Baby


[[[ pass - bluestown ]]]

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JAMES COTTON: Living the Blues

LIVING THE BLUES was nominated for Best Traditional Blues Album in the 37th Annual Grammy Awards.
LIVING THE BLUES was nominated for a Grammy, and deservedly so. While the legendary bluesman James Cotton's vocals weren't as strong as they once were, his harp work was more fiery than ever, the backing musicians (Dr. John among them) were some of the best he ever worked with, and the song selection was (wisely) heavy on instrumentals.
Among the latter, the opening "Mississipi Freight Train"--a duet between Cotton's unamplified harp and drummer Brian Jones--is about as perfect a piece of musical onomatapoeia as you'll ever be likely to hear. "Pacific Blues," with Cotton's rollicking unamplified harp soaring over Joe Louis Walker's finger-picked twelve-string acoustic, is a straight shot of the mid-'30s Delta.

Personnel:James Cotton (vocals, harmonica); Larry McCray, John Primer, Joe Louis Walker (guitar); Lucky Peterson (piano, Hammond organ); Dr. John (piano); Johnny B. Gayden (bass); Brian Jones (drums).
Recorded March and June, 1993 at Chicago Recording Corporation, Chicago, Illinois; July, 1993 at Kiva Recording Studio, Memphis Tennessee; September, 1993 at Soundtrack, New York City and January, 1994 at Russian Hill Recording, San Francisco, California

1 Mississippi Freight Train
2 You Didn't Think About That
3 Pacific Blues
4 Take A Message
5 Hungry Country Girl
6 Hucklebuck
7 One Little Piece Of Shade
8 Living The Blues
9 Black Knights
10 Mississippi Saxophone
11 Cotton In The Kitchen
12 Certified
13 Mississippi Freight Train (part 2)

.. Year: 1994
.. Label: Verve Records (USA)
.. Bitrate: VBR
.. Home-Page:
.. MySpace:
.. Wikipedia:
.. BUY:


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Auld Lang Syne Volume 2

You say you're having a New Year's Eve Party and need a copy of
Auld Lang Syne, but not that old Guy Lombardo recording?

Here are 23 renditions and Big Ben chiming at Midnight.

Download Auld Lang Syne (vol 2)

Download "bongocast" (all songs in one file, DJ style)
Auld Lang Syne (vol 2) bongocast

...and if you missed Volume 1...

Download Auld Lang Syne (vol 1)

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"brotbeutel" - 1 new article

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Neunzehnter Teil der Plünderung des Archivs von Mein Walkman Ist Kaputt-Blog, Juni 2006:

Monoton- Monotonprodukt 02 LP 1980

Offering a download link to Konrad Becker's music taps into some of the politics of info-streaming that Becker has highlighted over the years, particularly through his non-profit organisation Net Base, and its support for the right to flow information freely across the web. Questions on censorship still generate debate, and in relation to music downloads it's skyrocketed, particularly amongst industry types. Becker has never been concerned with music as business though. The Monotonprodukt moniker suggested the task at hand was partly to recontextualise the monotonous product symptomatic of the mainstream. Edinburgh's Fast Product pulled a similar stunt (Fast's Mutant Pop LP is at Post-Punk Junk). Label boss Bob Last and his 'interventions in any media' supplied its consumer with all sorts, mainly ravishingly designed LPs but, and here's the catch, in very limited editions. Monotonprodukt's approach went one step further, and was far more clinical and sophisticated, retaining a cold faceless Teutonicism as it went.

Konrad Becker's main interest was converting metamathematischen strukturen into music. Each interdisciplinary program that bared the Monotonprodukt name existed via a new culture-synthetic medium, be it a concert/ installation, video, or cassette, and each would produce its material from arithmetic. Becker was his own 'subjective scientist' carrying out his electronic operations as part of an institute he founded and named Wissenschaftliche (Scientific) Sensation.

Monotonprodukt dates back to 1979 with a cassette known simply as 01. Its tightly wound oxide-coated tape held by its cheap plastic case was merely another medium for this all-round multimedia artist/ writer to document and present his craft. Though situated in Vienna, a city steeped in Gothic-Romanticism preserving its history as it modernized, Konrad Becker just about showed up on the early NDW radar, his electronic work bearing similarities with other Germanic sound designers of the period such as Conrad Schnitzler, Harald Falkenhagen, Ralf & Florian etc. This is his debut LP, number two in the Monoton production line. It is the sound of him almost contemplating a forthcoming masterwork, or perhaps pondering a future mindset and head space in which people could allow for sonic repetitions to enter their living environments, as complimentary to their strange electronic netherworlds, like Orwell predicting helicopters would take off.

Konrad Becker did not search for life's numerical answers alone. He often enlisted the help of musicians Eugenia Rochas and Albert 'Ali Krawalli' Griehmann, formerly of Austrian punks Chuzpe, and later on Daniël Leeflang/ DJ Dano. Becker himself guested on the self-produced Tausend Seen 12" by Dämmerattacke, New Wave minimalists from lower Austria, on the Panza-Platte label from 1982. After a second cassette (03 in line) titled Neujahrskonferenz 80/81, a split with sister project Wissenschaftliche Sensation (the Ich Weiß Nichts 7" (04) it produced can be heard in Real Audio here), there was the Gesellschaft für Wissenschaft & Volkstanz (Society for Science & Folk Dance) project, furthering his exploration of psychosomatics. According to Christian Höller, from the Lost and Found article (translated by Timothy Jones), Becker performed an 'eight-hour-long dismantling of the sound barrier... in the Virgil Chapel under Vienna's Stephansdom' in June 1981, an exploration into sonic art that sounds like the kind of installation work Disinformation produce today.

As for this record, if DJ Food's Raiding The 20th Century, a plunderphonic compression of trends over time in electronic music, acted as the overground express journey through Words & Music, with Paul Morley your conductor/ host, then Monotonprodukt is its nightlong slow service soundtracking Morley's thought process in piecing together the connections between Alvin Lucier and 'Can't Get You Out Of My Head'. Like Lucier and Ryoji Ikeda after, Becker was interested in human perception in relation to the physical characteristics of sound. His greatest achievement was undoubtedly 1982's self-released double-album, finely tweeked and reissued 20 years later as the definitive Monotonprodukt 07 20y++ CD on Montreal's Oral label, its re-release perhaps inspired by its inclusion in The Wire's 100 Records That Set The World On Fire (When No One Was Listening), published in 1998. Becker's electroacoustic conversions from roots, powers and periods, pi factor, Fibonacci series, fig tree numbers, and 'magic squares', was a fine precusor to the digitalia and minutiae of today's laptop processed sound. Due to its minimalist/structuralist sleeve design and trancelike electronic repetitions, it went one further than predicting techno as Kraftwerk had done beforehand. In hindsight, its calculations for the post-techno habits of the Mego label were spot on.

As it is bootlegged, I have no idea where you'd find a copy of the 02 debut (it has not yet resurfaced). Recorded August 1980 at Monoton Studio Wien, a small handful only were pressed onto clear blue vinyl. This is a perfect chance then, to sample Becker's pre-Monotonprodukt 07 masterwork, its sound an equally fascinating series of vibrations on the lines of a musical stave.

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delicate balance

click photo to enlarge

I apologize if I left anyone out.
It's been a wonderful year, full of many surprises
and many wonderful people I've met here.

Tom Dundee, I met and heard a few times
when he stayed and sang at my friend Davids
through the years.

He died in 2006 but wrote one of the most
poignant songs I ever heard and remains
a favorite through all these years.

To ya'll:

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"Dartman's World Of Wonder" - 1 new article

  1. The King Hits Dallas
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The King Hits Dallas

32 years ago, on this very day (12/28), Elvis Presley rocked Dallas, Texas! Most Elvis fans remember 1976 for the incredible New Year's Eve show in Pittsburgh, PA but just a few days before that, the King rocked Dallas with a fire! In fact, the end of 1976 saw the King at what many feel to be his greatest shows of his final days. From December 27 through to the 31, Elvis embarked on a mini-tour of 5 cities which proved to be his most powerful, creative and inspired (by late-70's standards). Elvis looked at least 20 pounds lighter than he did that summer, he had a fresh romance with Ginger Alden and with only 5 shows, he found he had more energy to pack into each performance. Nobody can really know what happened to Elvis in this particular moment of his career, but whatever it was, was strong enough to make him wish to please everyone in the crowd, prove to everybody that he was the truly greatest singer of all time, and that the time, has not dismissed his talent. Here for you is the Dallas show from that mini-tour. Originally titled, "A Hot Winter's Night in Dallas", this boot has been shared until many different titles. I present it to you simply as , Elvis in Dallas, December 28, 1976. Enjoy!

Elvis Presley-Dallas, 12/28/76 (boot)

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Shuffle Demons é uma banda do Canadá e faz um som que é uma grande parece sonora de saxofones. Para quem gosta do instrumento, a banda é uma grata surpresa. Tem baixo, tem bateria e tem três saxofones, que formam um naipe sensacional.

A banda lançou o primeiro disco em 1986, 'Streetnicks'. Em 1988 lançou 'Bop Rap' e em 1990 'What do you Want'. Depois lançou o disco ao vivo, 'Alive in Europe', de 1992, para em seguida vir com 'Extra Crispy', do ano seguinte. O EP 'Get Right' veio em 1996, e em 2004 eles lançaram uma coleção dos grandes sucessos.

Estão disponíveis, aqui no blogui: o disco ao vivo, o EP e os grandes sucessos. Quando aos outros álbuns, são muito dificeis de achar. Quem souber de alguma coisa é só comentar....

2004 Greatest Hits

1. The shuffle monster
2. Spadina bus
3. Gabi's Gimi suit
4. Out of my house roach
5. Hockey night in Canada
6. East Berlin angst
7. Pavin' on my road
8. Perry’s groove
9. 12 beer my deer
10. Cheese on bread
11. The funkin' pumpkin
12. Personal blues
13. Yukon girl
14. Stop the rot
15. Blues for you
16. Shuffle groove
17. What do you want


1996 Get Right (EP)

1. Have a good one
2. Get right
3. Tolerence
4. Show me
5. Group dreams
6. Nothing


1994 Alive in Europe

Disc 1
1. The boys of maple syrup
2. The opening tune
3. Pavin' my road
4. Pipe dream
5. Scraggle from the dirt bog
6. Demon reggae
7. Bemsha swing
8. Awaken the sfinks
9. Gabi's Gimi suit
10. Out of my house roach
11. The girl from Impanema meets T-shirt salesman from Canada at the Cafe du Congo
12. Low life
13. Les gars de syrop d'erable

Disc 2
1. Ankles of a pig
2. Brownskin girl
3. Barmp your horn
4. Les enfants de Trudeau (Medley)
5. Culture house
6. Cheese on bread
7. Happy birthday John Zorn
8. Wed night prayer meeting
9. Spadina bus
10. Low life
11. Free mouth adventure
12. Another story
13. Everything is still OK

Abaixar Disco 1
Abaixar Disco 2
© Copyleft 2006 - Eu Ovo Politica de Privacidade

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Sweeping The Nation Albums Of 2008: Number 2

It wasn't so much that Los Campesinos! arrived at the right time that made us fall for them on first listen as that they slotted into the gap kept open for too long now for a refined version of those numerous other bands kicking against the commercial pricks. Refinement in a way that might not be immediately apparent, of course, what with all the shouting and the glockenspiel and the packing everything into the sonic space allocated, but there's that intangible something in the way they arrange their myriad parts and labours into serrated melodies while firing off modern aphorisms at many a juncture that can't help but drag the listener behind them on their journey. Their multitasking led to many a Broken Social Scene comparison (their Dave Newfeld produces) in the early days of their rise, but Hold On Now, Youngster... proved it's not as easy as that. Los Campesinos! deal in making the little things bigger, the finer points of social nitpicking seem like universal truths. They feel like a gang against the world, whether that be music or actual - the surname nonimature, the writing credits to 'Team Campesinos!', the gang shouts and desire to push everything over the top while not actually into the red overload. They're children - OK, young adults - of the modern musical age too, cherrypicking influences from all over the place to mould into a whole that's not so much cohesive, as that would suggest it never threatens to fall apart under pressure, as resembling a Heath Robinson contraption of avant-indie-pop. Kamikaze leaps into the musical abyss never sounded so frantically fresh and vital.

Listen to the start of Broken Heartbeats Sound Like Breakbeats, a shouted roundel of "one! Two! Three! Four!" before everything takes off at once as the guitar riff threatens to speed even further into the horizon. Gareth Campesinos! meanwhile is unhappy, wanting to "be the beacon of hope that you'd always expected", which eventually leads him to fall on the side of "the slow steady choppers" and "the hieroglyphics that the fan club sent us" before, stuck for any further way to express his frustration, he decides to impersonate Crazy Frog instead, the band before long slowing to end of night dance speed. What does it all mean? It's probable the band don't know, but it sounds like the most necessarily urgent message. But if that's all they had the album would come across as far more one-paced than it is; fortunately the Trojans inside the wooden horse have a finely tuned sense of irony, a careering emotional compass and a basic need to, as they were to nail it next time, shout at the world because the world doesn't love them. And not just about love - Don't Tell Me To Do the Math(s) has issues with authority in learning, obliquely referencing Oranges Are Not The Only Fruit, while And We Exhale And Roll Our Eyes In Unison is pop's first song to openly bait Conor McNicholas (he didn't notice) before making wider points about the treatment of women in pop culture. Then again, My Year In Lists expresses life lived through long distance communication and contains the unbeatable line "nothing says I miss you quite like poetry carved in your door with a Stanley knife". By Knee Deep At ATP they're on the verge of parodying themselves, adapting a Camera Obscura song title and starting at the same clip as everything else before revealing they don't have to, going slow as Gareth considers his own system of values, helpfully concluding "I need new hobbies, that's one thing for certain". This Is How You Spell "HAHAHA, We Destroyed The Hopes And Dreams Of A Generation Of Faux-Romantics" is a magnificent title and is also magnificently literal, another dumping/dumpee song but this time at shallow self-appointed lost souls and "every quotation that'd dribble from your mouth like a final, fatal LiveJournal entry", as Gareth puts it during a spoken word section that comes on like Comet Gain's David Feck overcome by a bout of humility. Feck would certainly admire the way We Are All Accelerated Readers shrugs love off entirely, the moment of clarity coming when Gareth realises "if this sentimental movie marathon has taught us one thing, it's the opposite of true love is as follows..." Everyone: "Reality!" Then it promptly undermines its own argument with indiepop's Stairway To Heaven, the 6:45 of post-rock opening, riff-thrusting, alternately lyrically sarky, self-deprecating and triumphant monolith of indie dancefloor pulsation that is You! Me! Dancing! Cities have been built on less. By the "one blink for yes, two blinks for no" outro to revenge as dish now served warm song Sweet Dreams, Sweet Cheeks it's blindingly apparent that Rousseau was more right than he'll ever know with that stuff about man in the state of nature - we're undeveloped, we're ignorant, we're stupid, but we're happy.

You! Me! Dancing!

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"Funky16Corners" - 1 new article

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Lee Moses - Reach Out, I’ll Be There


Lee Moses


Listen - Lee Moses - Reach Out, I’ll Be There - MP3″

Greetings all.

I’m back, maybe not at full speed, but back nonetheless.
The tune I bring you today is as close as I could get to the kind of explosive emotion I feel like expressing these days.
Between health problems and other serious, pending issues, I feel like kicking a hole in the wall (or the internet, as applies).
I’m not sure whether I said it here or over at Iron Leg, but despite all of the alligators snapping at my ass these days, working on the blogs is less a chore than necessary therapy, through which I get to work out some of the crap I’m dealing with (if only in the abstract).
Sometime last year (two thousand and ought seven to be exact) DJ Save One fell by to do a guest set at the Asbury Park 45 Sessions, and in the course of his very heavy set dropped a 45 that knocked me on my ass. I had never heard the record in question, but as soon as I hopped up by the decks to scope it out it went right to the top of my wish list, where it remained until earlier this year.
That record – ‘Reach Out, I’ll Be There’ by Lee Moses (which just happens to have a blistering flip side as well) – is one of the rawest soul 45s I’ve ever heard, sounding (even in the context of Moses’ other work) vaguely insane. ‘Reach Out..’ is one of those incredibly unique records that cries out for its own poly-hyphenate description, with elements of soul, funk, psychedelia, and garage punk jammed together, and occasionally at odds with one another in a two minute and forty five second explosion of energy that threatens to shatter the styrene onto which it was pressed. It sounds as if it were all recorded via a single microphone, with drums (and break, after break, after break), combo organ, guitar (Moses I assume) and vibes cascading like a rock slide, with someone (Moses again?) singing just loudly enough to register in the background.
There’s the feel of an inspired jam session to both sides of the 45, but after repeated listens it appears to be something more than that. Some 45s are the end result of huge amounts of planning and polish, holding in their grooves miniature epics (see Phil Spector and all of his various and sundry disciples), and you get the feeling no matter how fine the craft, what you’re getting is the fiftieth iteration of a good idea. Others, like ‘Reach Out…’, or Toussaint McCall’s ‘Shimmy’ are more like an aural snapshot, capturing a specific moment in time that could probably never be duplicated. That these moments made their way onto wax and out where consumers might get their hands (and ears) on them is – depending on the level of brilliance – occasionally miraculous (definitely in this instance).
I hope you dig it as much as I do, and I’ll be back with something for New Years Eve.



PS Don’t forget to head over to Iron Leg for something by the Cream

PSS Check out Paperback Rider as well.

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"Jazz-Rock-Fusion-Guitar" - 1 new article

  1. Mahavishnu Orchestra - "Inner Mounting Flame" (1971) @320
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Mahavishnu Orchestra - "Inner Mounting Flame" (1971) @320

Mahavishnu Orchestra - "Inner Mounting Flame" (1971), album certainly vies for the title of the greatest of all jazz-rock recordings. Through spiritually questing flights of intense fury and exquisite quiet, it never loses its sense of inexorable force. Jan Hammer (keyboards), Jerry Goodman (violin), and bassist Rick Laird are completely sympathetic with guitarist John McLaughlin's vision as the music abandons the standard jazz format of successive solos in favor of rapid, heightening, braided, interactive contributions--a structure much drawn from Indian classical music. Astoundingly, the music retains discipline. For that, thank Billy Cobham: Through all the expressive, irregular meters, he remains a steady, resolved engine of percussion, vastly resourceful but ultimately reserved. McLaughlin's alchemy distills many worlds of music­-the jazz-guitar masters, flamenco, blues, Indian forms, and his experience in the innovations of the seminal jazz-rock outfits of Miles Davis and Tony Williams. Of course, distortion, feedback, and arena-rock amplification were crucial, as was the influence of Sri Chinmoy, McLaughlin's spiritual guide. "The Noonward Race," "Vital Transformation," and "The Dance of Maya" are music for the ages. By Peter Monaghan.

The Mahavishnu Orchestra's 1971 debut album _The Inner Mounting Flame_ is a treasure in the world of fusion. It's rhythmically complex and involved, but dynamic and fiery. Jazz-inflected rock made accessible to nearly anyone who appreciates rock with sophistication. But, sophisticated doesn't necessarily mean feeble, as this music is bursting with energy and intensity.

Guitarist John McLaughlin (who had worked with Miles Davis not too long before this album and band came together) composed all of these tracks, which are spirituality-oriented - as evidenced by some of the song titles. These spiritual leanings can be latched onto, or they can simply be ignored - intentionally or inadvertently, either way, the music is powerful enough to outweigh any cogitation on the underlying motives of the music. It more than likely will grab hold of you in the biggest way possible, regardless of your disposition towards spirituality. While virtuosic musicianship is abound, you'd be challenged to call this nothing more than a tasteless exhibition of technical prowess. There's plenty of meat with flavor in this smorgasbord.

"Meeting of the Spirits" opens up with a suspended musical atmosphere, full of ominous tension, and fairly explosive drum pyrotechnics from Billy Cobham. What follows is a slightly angular, yet tasty rhythmic combo comprised of passionate guitar soloing from McLaughlin, tasteful, complementary violin work, thumping basslines, and flavor-filled snare hits from Cobham. Of course, his snare drumming is not the only thing impressive here, and on the album in general. An excellent opener.

"Dawn" is an extremely beautiful ballad-like number with a 7/4-ish rhythm, and exhibits subtle touches of R&B, jazz and modern classical. McLaughlin finds time amidst this beauty to inject the atmosphere with some passionate soloing. Later, in the second half of the track, things speed up, and we are treated to a genuinely moving melody embedded in the up-tempo jam exhibiting a mix of rock, R&B and gospel. Could easily see this played in church. Extremely moving, and gets loads of repeat time in my stereo.

"Noonward Race" is fast-paced like it's title would possibly suggest. Highly energetic playing from Cobham, fast soloing from McLaughlin, as well as the swapping of instrumental lines between each member of the band. Jerry Goodman gives us charged violin lines, Jan Hammer gives us fast, but tasteful and interesting keyboard lines, and Rick Laird, while mostly playing a supporting role here, does no more than he needs to.

"A Lotus On Irish Streams" gives us a break from the fast-paced energy preceeding this, with it's gently serenading, ethereal and elegant atmosphere. While on the gentle side, McLaughlin finds time to display a lightning-fast solo here and there. Lush, willowy keyboard textures from Jan Hammer dominate this track, but the contributions from violinist Jerry Goodman add extra relevance to the flavor and overall atmosphere of the track.

"Vital Transformation" features what is probably the hottest, funkiest, tastiest, most groove-oriented 9/8 meter to be experienced: almost guaranteed to get that old rump of yours shaking, ditto with the rest of your body, as well as your soul. This track is jam-packed with energy and charisma: powerful, charismatic drumming, tasty guitar & violin dueling, excellent basswork -- an absolute knockout. A mix of mutated country, R&B, funk and rock: progressive in all the right ways. Virtuosism combined with taste is at a maximum here.

"The Dance of Maya" displays snaky, mind-teasing rhythmic patterns, as parallel with the melodic lines. Cobham plays a bluesy drum pattern in 10/8, which continues through the remainder of the track. Later, this blues-romp kicks in, and Billy, once again, plays the blues-derived 10/8 meter, while this time, the instrumental motif shifts to fully parallel that of Billy's blues-romp rhythm. The sudden switch of instrumental motifs (excepting Billy's drum rhythm) may lead many to believe that the meter, and Billy's drum pattern have changed, when they more than possibly have not. The whole track, I believe is in 10, yet there are so many subtle tricks going on rhythmically, I fear embarrassment if I attempt to articulate them all. Excellent track here.

"You Know, You Know" is a slow jam in common time, but features odd accent placements, which can confuse many listeners into thinking that the tune is in an odd time signature. Another one of those tracks to let you gain a breather from the high-energy musings of past. Fluid, tasteful R&B-infused arpeggios and basslines dominate this track. Billy Cobham takes on more of a subtle, but equally effective role here, which in the least, showcases his versatility on his instrument.

"Awakening" sees the boys saving the wildest for last. This is the most energetic, fast-paced, virtuosic track on the album. Machine-gun drumming, lightning-fast passages from guitar, bass, violin and keyboards: all in unison, and at other times, separately. Strangely, this is the shortest track on the album, though with all of the hyperactivity crammed here, one gets the sense that it need not be any longer. Excellent musicianship all-around.

High-quality musicianship and taste to match. Fans of high-energy, virtuosic rock should soak this up. If you're into Jimi Hendrix, Frank Zappa, King Crimson or the like, you shouldn't pass this up. Rumor has it that the Mahavishnu Orchestra had an influence on the 1973-1974-era King Crimson. If there's any truth to that, I wouldn't be surprised. This outfit were highly influential on many musicians, especially of the virtuosic category. Pick this up, and see what all the fuss is about. By Samhot.


Track listing:

1. "Meeting of the Spirits" – 6:52
2. "Dawn" – 5:10
3. "Noonward Race" – 6:28
4. "A Lotus on Irish Streams" – 5:39
5. "Vital Transformation" – 6:16
6. "The Dance of Maya" – 7:17
7. "You Know You Know" – 5:07
8. "Awakening" – 3:32


- John McLaughlin / guitar
- Jerry Goodman / violin
- Jan Hammer / piano
- Rick Laird / bass
- Billy Cobham / drums

*Includes full cover and booklet scan*

Related items:

John Mclaughlin - "Compact Jazz" (1993)

John Mclaughlin - "Devotion" (1970) [1992]

John Mclaughlin - "Electric Dreams" (1978) [1992]

John Mclaughlin - "The Promise" (1995)

John Mclaughlin Trio - Qué Alegría (1992)

John Mclaughlin - "Extrapolation" (1969)

John Mclaughlin - 'Electric Guitarist' (1978)

John Mclaughlin - "Where Fortune Smiles" (1970)

Tony Williams - 'Turn It Over' (1970)

Tony Williams - "Emergency!" (1969)

Fuse One - "The Complete Recordings" (1989)

Larry Coryell - 'Spaces' (1970)

Miroslav Vitous - Mountain in the Clouds (1969)

Mahavishnu Orchestra - 'The Lost Trident Sessions' (1973)

Mahavishnu Orchestra - "Apocalypse" (1974) [1990]

Visions of an Inner Mounting Apocalypse: 'A Fusion Guitar Tribute' (2005)

Miles Davis - A Tribute to Jack Johnson (1970)

Miles Davis - "Big Fun" [Japan Import] (1974)

Miles Davis - "Live Evil" [Japan Import] (1972)

Miles Davis - "Get Up With It" [Japan Import] (1974)

Miles Davis - "Bitches Brew" [Remastered] (1970)

Miles Davis - "In A Silent way" (1969)

Billy Cobham/Colin Towns/hr-Bigband Meeting Of The Spirits: A Celebration Of The Mahavishnu Orchestra (2006)

Carlos Santana, John Mclaughlin - "Love Devotion Surrender" (1973)

A Tribute To John Mclaughlin And Mahavishnu Orchestra - "Mahavishnu Re-Defined" (2008)

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"Keep The Coffee Coming" - 6 new articles

  1. Humpty Dumpty Heart: Hank Thompson
  2. Aba Daba Honeymoon: Debbie Reynolds and Carleton Carpenter
  3. Disney Girls: The Beach Boys
  4. Rocky Racoon: The Beatles

  5. “A lively imagination is one of the best companions”
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Humpty Dumpty Heart: Hank Thompson

Today's theme is a mishmash. It's talking animals, Disney and nursery rhymes. It's a bit of imagination set to music.

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Aba Daba Honeymoon: Debbie Reynolds and Carleton Carpenter

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Disney Girls: The Beach Boys

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Rocky Racoon: The Beatles

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“A lively imagination is one of the best companions”

Fog covers Bass River. I could see only a bit of the water as I crossed the bridge this morning. Few cars were on the road. My breakfast spot was empty of customers. The world is quiet on this Sunday morning.

Yesterday was busy. I did all the chores I hadn't done in a while. I always feel Christmas time is for the extraordinary, not the ordinary. I can spend hours decorating or wrapping but have trouble spending even a few minutes dusting and cleaning. I always think mundane tasks have no place during this season. They are for the every day.

Sometimes I think I'm part of a Disney true life adventure. Fat squirrels chatter as they jump from branch to branch in my backyard, and I keep waiting for a pleasant male voice to describe the scene. I can imagine him now. Look at those squirrels as they fly from branch to branch like a pair of nature's acrobats. They are looking to steal seed from the back feeders. Let's hope they don't get caught as they run across the rail on tip toes and climb the feeder. Look at them swing. Their weight causes the feeders to twist and turn. Look at them enjoying the ride and notice they're still devouring sunflower seed after sunflower seed even as they spin. Squirrels don't ever seem to get dizzy. Oops, they hear a noise and off they go with seeds in their mouths. As they leave, they entertain us with their balancing acts jumping as they do from the end of one branch to another. Squirrels are one of nature's smartest little thieves.

The birds too merit a narration. The tiny black capped chickadees vie with the squirrels for those sunflower seeds. They quickly swoop in, grab a seed then fly back to a branch. Watch as they eat their treasures. Look, a junco has joined the crowd of birds. He too is looking for sunflower seeds and waiting for his opportunity to grab lunch. The goldfinches stay out of the fray. They perch on that thistle feeder and eat and watch the action. The male goldfinch is wearing his winter coat, a drab yellow compared to his summer brightness. The backyard feeders in winter are always a bevy of activity.

I figure some time I'll hear him say. This is the habitat of a retired person. Look, here she is wearing her grubby clothes. Let's watch as she starts her day.

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"La Pelota Cuadrada" - 1 new article

  1. The Fireman - Electric Arguments (2008)
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The Fireman - Electric Arguments (2008)

Hay quienes luego de levantarse de la cama, nunca podrán volver a dormir. Otros en cambio, como el eterno Beatle, Paul Mccartnei, una vez que lo hicieron llevan a que el resto de los mortales, nunca más podamos volver a soñar como ayer.El 25 de noviembre recién pasado –justo dos días después que el mítico “White Album” cumpliese 40 años de ser lanzado- vio la luz: «Electric arguments, el disco que marca el regreso a los estudios de grabación de Paul Mccartney luego de su dispar “Memory almost full” (2007). Electric arguments, forjado en estrecha colaboración con el productor Youth, que trabajase entre otros discos en el Urban hymns de The Verve (1997), fue calificado por el propio creador del himno “Let it be”, como un disco que lo coloca en forma para los escenarios.

Escenarios que luego de escuchar
Nothing too much just out of sight
canción con la cual da inicio al disco- no podrán evitar evocar la estridente “helter skelter”, con esas guitarras filosas, que se hacen acompañar de la voz de Paul, voz que pese a los años se mantiene incólume.

Por su parte
Is this love
con ese precioso juego ambiental, que perdura por los dos primeros minutos de la canción, es inevitable asociarlo a los arreglos que David bowie hiciera para la ocasión en que trabajó con los canadienses de “The Arcade” FIRE”.

Y es que ese es el hilo conductor de este trabajo; evocar, recordar, soñar, juntar para luego de un rato proponer… Rato, en que todos los amantes de la música podremos ponernos a escuchar el trabajo de alguien que si quisiera ya podría descansar en paz.

Porque poco importa que “Strawberries Oceans Ships Forest” (1993) y “Rushes” (1998), fueran los discos con los que Mccartnei y Glover dieran vida a “The Fireman”; el nombre del dúo que presenta este trabajo, o que la placa fuese enteramente ejecutada por el mismo Paul en todo los instrumentos, a excepción de las bases electrónicas que iban a cargo de Glover.

Porque lo que si importa es tratar de nunca dejar de soñar, para así jamás llegar a juzgar, o no por lo menos en el arte, ya que lo único que se puede afirmar es si gusta o no, pero nunca si lo proveniente del corazón es malo o si no. Por eso lector/a llame siempre a su bombero extintor de la amargura, que estos dos sabrán como de acordes acompañarle. Mientras el video promocional:


01 Nothing too much just out of sight
02 Two magpies
03 Sing the changes
04 Travelling light
05 Highway
06 Light from your lighthouse
07 Sun is shining
08 Dance 'till we're high
Lifelong passion
10 Is this love
11 Lovers in a dream
12 Universal here, everlasting now
13 Don't stop running
Descubre el disco desde Filesend

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Montagem: Mr Bad Guy

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FRASES: "Este disco pode vender cinco ou cem mil cópias que não vai me surpreender." (Arnaldo Antunes, sobre Cabeça Dinossauro) "Achávamos legal estar toda semana no programa Barros de Alencar. Queríamos ser tratados como lixo." (Arnaldo Antunes).


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CD 1

01. Cabeça Dinossauro
02. Polícia (Dance Remix)
03. Estado Violência
04. O Quê? (Versão Remix Extended)
05. Jesus Não Tem Dentes no País dos Banguelas
06. Marvin (Patches) (Versão Remix)
07. Clitóris (Versão Remix)
08. Domingo (Versão Single)
09. Tudo em Dia
10. Televisão (Versão Acústico MTV)
11. Cegos do Castelo
12. Miséria (Versão Ao Vivo MTV)

CD 2

01. Eu Não Vou Dizer Nada (Além do Que Estou Dizendo) (Remix)
02. Pela Paz
03. Meu Aniversário
04. Eu Prefiro Correr
05. Estrelas
06. Minha Namorada
07. Aqui é Legal
08. Saber Sangrar
09. Porta Principal
10. Planeta Morto
11. Fazendinha
12. A Marcha do Demo

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Camisa de Vênus & Marcelo Nova

Montagem: Mr Bad Guy

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FRASES: "O rock no Brasil é um negócio. Desinformado, desestruturado, sem autenticidade, sem gana, sem coração, sem garra." "Mandamos a Som Livre tomar no cu. Foi um escândalo" (Marcel Nova). "Todo mundo achava nosso som incômodo, desagradável. E o que pode ser mais incômodo e desagradável?" (explicação de Marcelo Nova para o nome da banda). "Bota Pra Foder!" (espécie de slogan do Camisa, adotado pela platéia em todos os shows).


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CD 1

01. Eu Não Matei Joana D'arc (Remix)
02. Bete Morreu (Remix)
03. Simca Chambord
04. Deus Mê Dê Grana
05. Ouro de Tolo
06. Só o Fim
07. Silvia
08. País do Futuro
09. Após Calipso
10. Chamam Isso Rock and Roll
11. Muita Estrela, Pouca Constelação
12. Último Tango
13. Aluga-se
14. Canalha
15. Meu Primo Zé (Versão Compacto)

CD 2

01. Coração Seqüestrado
02. Papel de Bandido
03. Ela Saiu Um Dia
04. Algum Lugar
05. Qual é a Sua Meu Rei?
06. Imagens na Memoria
07. A Gente é Sem Vergonha
08. Canção do Inverno
09. Amanhã Não Estarei Mais Aqui
10. Be-Bop-A-Lulla
11. Rock das Aranhas (Ao Vivo)
12. Negue
13. Bete Morreu (Playback)
14. Eu Não Matei Joana D'arc (Playback)
15. Controle Total

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Rodrigo Blues

Olá amigos do Lágrima Psicodélica estou divulgando aki a primeira demo do "Rodrigo Blues", ele faz um som bem rock'nblues fiel aos anos 60 e 70 esta demo intitulada de "o solitário do blues" contem 3 ótimas faixas espero que gostem ...bem sem mas delongas .. segue o link para download:


Por favor comentem!
Rodrigo Siqueira

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Shuffle Demons é uma banda do Canadá e faz um som que é uma grande parece sonora de saxofones. Para quem gosta do instrumento, a banda é uma grata surpresa. Tem baixo, tem bateria e tem três saxofones, que formam um naipe sensacional.

A banda lançou o primeiro disco em 1986, 'Streetnicks'. Em 1988 lançou 'Bop Rap' e em 1990 'What do you Want'. Depois lançou o disco ao vivo, 'Alive in Europe', de 1992, para em seguida vir com 'Extra Crispy', do ano seguinte. O EP 'Get Right' veio em 1996, e em 2004 eles lançaram uma coleção dos grandes sucessos.

Estão disponíveis, aqui no blogui: o disco ao vivo, o EP e os grandes sucessos. Quando aos outros álbuns, são muito dificeis de achar. Quem souber de alguma coisa é só comentar....

2004 Greatest Hits

1. The shuffle monster
2. Spadina bus
3. Gabi's Gimi suit
4. Out of my house roach
5. Hockey night in Canada
6. East Berlin angst
7. Pavin' on my road
8. Perry’s groove
9. 12 beer my deer
10. Cheese on bread
11. The funkin' pumpkin
12. Personal blues
13. Yukon girl
14. Stop the rot
15. Blues for you
16. Shuffle groove
17. What do you want


1996 Get Right (EP)

1. Have a good one
2. Get right
3. Tolerence
4. Show me
5. Group dreams
6. Nothing


1994 Alive in Europe

Disc 1
1. The boys of maple syrup
2. The opening tune
3. Pavin' my road
4. Pipe dream
5. Scraggle from the dirt bog
6. Demon reggae
7. Bemsha swing
8. Awaken the sfinks
9. Gabi's Gimi suit
10. Out of my house roach
11. The girl from Impanema meets T-shirt salesman from Canada at the Cafe du Congo
12. Low life
13. Les gars de syrop d'erable

Disc 2
1. Ankles of a pig
2. Brownskin girl
3. Barmp your horn
4. Les enfants de Trudeau (Medley)
5. Culture house
6. Cheese on bread
7. Happy birthday John Zorn
8. Wed night prayer meeting
9. Spadina bus
10. Low life
11. Free mouth adventure
12. Another story
13. Everything is still OK

Abaixar Disco 1
Abaixar Disco 2

Vídeo do Genesis - Live 1973 Shepperton

Bom pessoal, este é o primeiro teste do Bordel!!!

Aqui vai este show que é simplesmente de fuder as bielas. No DVD original existem 3 shows, estou postando o maior, e assim que possivel postarei os outros.

Este email vai para o Johnny F postar, eu prefiro assim, passo a matéria e não me desgasto.

Gratos à todos.

Um Abraço e Feliz ano novo.

Ps: Em tempo, voces podem convidar outras pessoas para este clube, mas que sejam com o seu email, e fiquem atentos ao meu novo email que no yahoo é mais facil de controlar e fazer grupos.


Genesis Live 1973 Shepperton

The Clash

1980 - Live In Paris

Arquivo .DAT. - Abre no Nero Showtime

Tamanho: 422 Mb

The Very Best of Camisa de Vênus by Lágrima Psicodélica

Imagem de Miguel Cordeiro Arquivos

Galera doida!!!

Nossa véia, que só gosta do que é muito bom, decretou que a bola da vez para essa nova enquete seja nada mais e nada menos que a galera do CAMISA DE VÊNUS. Sendo assim, seguimos na mesma trilha de sempre:

Vamos escolher 20 faixas dos álbuns do CAMISA DE VÊNUS que mais gostamos...

Não estamos incluindo, nessa enquete, os álbuns de Marcelo Nova...

Nunca é tarde para lembrar que vocês devem botar suas relações com as 20 músicas nos comentários dessa postagem.

É a mesma FORMATAÇÃO de sempre:

Nome da música – Nome do álbum
Passamos Por Isto - Camisa de Vênus

No final da enquete, como é de costume, iremos produzir mais um inédito, exclusivo, interativo e único The Very Best of Camisa de Vênus by Lágrima Psicodélica.

Para concluir, vamos praticar um pouco da reminiscência platônica, resgatando um comentário do nosso mano doido JH II sobre o CAMISA DE VÊNUS. Comentário lá dos primórdios da nossa existência, onde o nosso Underground Lágrima Psicodélica ainda estava no início de sua jornada.

"Gente, este momento é glorioso, o Camisa de Vênus, se liga, O Camisa foi a banda de rock nacional mais importante (pelo menos na minha opinião), foi uma revolução.

É a banda nacional do meu coração. É mais porquê, cara? Cara, as letras, ouça todos o discos que puder do Camisa, se liga nas letras, É as letras que tocam o coração lá no fundo, quando você ouve o Camisa, você se sente outro, você cresce, você sente o seu corpo tremer, dá impressão que você consegue levantar um caminhão com 20 tolenadas de peso.

É esse o verdadeiro sentimento do rock, você sente vontade de fazer uma revolução, prá mudar tudo que está errado neste mundo, você cresce, algumas letras são engraçadas, faz você sorrir (Veja por exemplo a música " Zé Coice de Mula contra Rubão Bebê do CD Plugado! de 1995), eu ouço essa música até hoje no meu PC.

Então, o Rock and Roll é isso, dependendo da letra você chora, ou sorri, faz festa, outras letras te revolta, outras letras de dão força.

As músicas que eu mais gosto são: Sílvia (mulher sacana, viu); "Zé coice de Mula...); Só fim (Inspirada na música Gimme Shelter dos Rollings Stones). Veja o refrão: War, children, it's just a shot awayIt's just a shot awayWar, children, it's just a shot awayIt's just a shot awayO. Câmisa diz: Oh, crianças isso é só o fim Isso é só o fim Isso é só o fim (Ouça as duas músicas e você vai entender o que eu estou dizendo).

That´s All Folks

Comentário de JHII em: 25/11/2005 07:53:35 PM.
Agora é com vocês galera, vamos nessa...
Johnny F.

The Very Best of Os Mutantes by Lágrima Psicodélica & Luciana

É com muita alegria e satisfação que finalmente posto o resultado juntamente com o link da enquete dos mutantes. Antes, gostaria de agradeçer ao meu querido Johnny F pelo convite feito a mim para ingressar na equipe do LP. Coincidência ou não, depois que entrei aqui minha vida só tem mudado pra melhor. Aqui, fiz bons e queridos amigos aos quais quero ter por perto por muito tempo. Obrigada Sara Evil pela belíssima capa gentilmente feita para a minha primeira enquete. Muito obrigada de coração. Obrigada também ao amigo Dead or Alive por estar sempre comigo, voce é o culpado disso tudo! Agradeço a todos e confesso que foi muito difícil montar essa enquete porque com certeza faltaram dezenas de músicas dignas de estarem presentes nessa coletânea.

Espero que gostem e que se divirtam!

The Very Best of Os Mutantes by Lágrima Psicodélica & Luciana

1- Ando Meio Desligado - 20 Votos
2- Balada do Louco - 20 Votos
3 - Panis Et Circenses - 19 Votos
4 - Baby - 17 Votos
5- Dom Quixote - 15 Votos
6 - El Justiceiro - 15 Votos
7- Top Top - 15 Votos
8 - Posso perder minha mulher,minha mãe desde que eu tenha o rock n roll - 14 Votos
9 - Bat Macumba - 13 Votos
10 - Tudo Foi Feito Pelo Sol - 13 Votos
11 - Qualquer Bobagem - 13 Votos
12 - O Meu Refrigerador Não Funciona - 13 Votos
13 - It´s Very Nice Pra Xuxu - 13 Votos
14- A Hora e a Vez do Cabelo Nascer - 12 Votos
15 - Virginia - 12 Votos
16 - Desculpe Babe - 12 Votos
17 - A Minha Menina - 12 Votos
18 - 2001 - 11 Votos
19 - Cantor de Mambo - 11 Votos
20 - Tecnicolor - 10 Votos

Obs: peço desculpas a todos e principalmente ao Johnny F pelo equívoco ocorrido em relação aos votos postados anteriormente. Já está tudo corrigido e agora todos podem baixar tranqüilamente. Gostaria também de aproveitar o espaço para mandar um recado a um amigo muito querido: Dead or Alive, amo você!

Paz e muita saúde para todos nesse novo ano que se aproxima.

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" - Nýjar færslur" - 14 new articles

  1. Grimmasta dýrið
  2. Jón Páll Sigmarsson.
  3. æfing 27 des, massi
  4. ÓGÖNGUR 2008 - NEYÐARBLYSFÖR - Gamlársdag kl. 13.30 - Látum það ganga!
  5. 23 des, heima
  6. Myndir frá jólum
  7. I ♥ Music
  8. Fjölmenni á jólaballi
  9. Orðaglens(Til að stytta sér stundir í skammdeginu)
  10. Orðaglens(Til að stytta sér stundir í skammdeginu)
  11. sko...
  12. Jól og jólaboð
  13. Æfingar hefjast á ný 10.janúar á HK-velli kl.12:00
  14. demm beinverkir eða somhing
  15. Search - Nýjar færslur

Grimmasta dýrið

Nú logar allt stafnanna á milli á blogginu á hinu deyjandi morgunblaði, en þar fer bloggarinn Jens Guð mikinn og segir frá tveim sonum auðugra fjölskyldna í úkraínu sem fóru morðshendi yfir landið og drápu 21 manneskju á hryllilegan hátt.  

Ekki nóg með það þá tóku þeir morðin upp á vídeó og mættu einnig í jarðarfarir fórnarlamba sinna.
Jens Guð setur svo link á síðuna þar sem eitt vídeóið er sýnt og vakti það mikla reiði lesenda moggabloggsins sem skiptu skoðunum um réttmæti sýningar vídeósins á netinu og var augljóslega mörgum heitt í hamsi.
Linkinn á vídeóið byrti ég ekki og ræð ég hverjum manni frá því að horfa á það því að það er sérlega viðbjóðslegt. Taldi ég mig vera vanan alls kyns viðbjóði úr ýmsum hrollvekjum sem blikna í samanburði við þetta.
Þegar maður verður vitni að svona hegðun þá hugsar maður umm hversu grimm mannskepnan er, vílar sér ekki fyrir að drepa og limlesta samborgara sína sf svo ber undir.
Mannkynssagan er yfirfull af stríðum, ofbeldi, morðum og þjóðernishreinsunum og líti von að saga mannkyns breytist nokkuð í bráð. 
Guðs útvalda þjóð, Ísrael stendur nú fyrir fjöldamorðum á íbúum gaza svæðisins, fólki sem á varla til hnífs og skeiðar, á meðan Ísraelsmenn beita fullkomnustu vopnum til þess að murka úr þeim lífið.
Ísraelsmess eru litlu skárri en kvalarar þeirra úr síðarri heimstyrjöldinni, 
Heldur heilli þjóð í einangrunarbúðum, og murkar úr þeim lífið þegar þeim hentar.

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Jón Páll Sigmarsson.

Ég varði kvöldinu við sjónvarpið að horfa á mynd þá sem gerð var um Jón Pál heitinn Sigmarsson, sem lést aðeins 32 ára.

Ég átti því láni að fagna að kynnast honum er hann var dyravörður á Hótel Borg á 9. áratugnum og geðþekkari maður en hann var er vandfundinn. Öll þau góðu eftirmæli sem fram komu hjá viðmælendum myndarinnar eru því síst ofmetin. Hann gerði sér engan mannamun, kom vel og kurteislega fram við alla, þó gat hann verið býsna stríðinn ef sá gállinn var á honum en aðeins í góðu. Það var aldrei ólundinni eða geðvonskunni fyrir að fara hjá honum, það mættu margir læra og taka hann sér til fyrirmyndar í þeim efnum.

Það var enda alltaf gott að geta kallað hann til ef einhverja drukkna vandræðapésa bar að garði sem oft gerðist, ekki síst á þessum árum, þá nægði aðeins að hann sýndi sig, þá létu þeir hinir sömu sig hverfa jafnsljótt, og það án þess að Jón Páll þyrfti að lyfta litla fingri!

Ég minnist Jóns Páls með mikilli hlýju það var regluleg eftirsjá og söknuður að honum hjá öllum sem til hans þekktu, já og þjóðinni allri.

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æfing 27 des, massi

Bak og beygjur, æfingaáætlunin raskaðist vegna jólanna. frekar þungur á mér eftir jólaátið

20x10 60x8 60x8 100x8 140x8 180x8 200x5
100x5 140x5 180x5 220x5 240x3
Róður m. handlóð
40x8 50x8 60x5 60x5
Niðurtog framan 
4 sett 8-10 reps
4 sett 10-12 reps frekar létt

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ÓGÖNGUR 2008 - NEYÐARBLYSFÖR - Gamlársdag kl. 13.30 - Látum það ganga!

ÓGÖNGUR 2008 - NEYÐARBLYSFÖR - Gamlársdag kl. 13.30 - Látum það ganga!

Senn líður að Neyðarblysför Ógöngu 2008. Öllum sem á blysi geta haldið er

stefnt að gamla tugthúsinu við Lækjartorg, öðru nafni Stjórnarráð Íslands

kl. 13.30 á Gamlársdag.

Tendruð verða blys og síðan gengið að Alþingi við Austurvöll. Að lokum

förum við að Hótel Borg (sem enn hýsir góðærisveitingastaðinn Silfur), þar

sem formenn stjórnmálaflokkanna bulla í beinni útsendingu í Kryddsíld

Stöðvar 2, sem hefst kl. 14.00. Þar eru göngumenn hvattir til að tendra

enn fleiri neyðarblys og hávaðasama kínverja. Eins er tilvalið að banka á

glugga, skekja spjöld og fána, sleikja rúður eða eins og hver hefur geð


Áhugaverur um kröfugöngur, sem hafa mótmælt öllu síðan 1999, skora á

landsmenn að sýna hug sinn í verki og minna valdhafa, sem hafa komið okkur

á enn kaldari klaka, að við erum þjóðin og þau eru í vinnu hjá okkur en

ekki öfugt.

Þjóð gengur þá þrír ganga! - Lifi hugarfarsbyltingin!

Vakin er athygli á því að flugeldasalan Gullborg, Bíldshöfða 18 gefur

þátttakendum í Ógöngum 25% afslátt á neyðarblysum. 2-3 blys væru gott


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Þá er komið að kommbakki Galopnu kröfugangarinnar og í ár göngum við á

Facebook undir nafninu ÓGÖNGUR 2008.

Upphaflegt markmið hinnar galopnu kröfugöngu var að skapa vettvang til að

viðra lýðræðið og tjáningarfrelsið. Fyrst með Meðgöngu 1999, svo

Afturgöngu 2000, síðan var það Afganga 2001 og Lausaganga 2002 (með

afbrigðunum Svalaganga, Sniðganga og Útganga) og síðast fór fram

Leynigánga 2003 (eða ekki).

Nú er svo komið í lýðveldi okkar ef lýðveldi skyldi kalla að nauðsynlegt

er að bera í bakkafullan lækinn. Það gerum við hér á Fésbókinni - með því

að fylla hér síður af kröfum okkar (með veggjakroti eða með ljósmyndum

o.fl - sjá neðar hér á síðunni) hverjar sem þær nú eru og endum svo með

blysför að stjórnarráðinu á gamlársdag með viðkomu í Kryddsíldinni.

Slagorð Áhugamanna um kröfugöngur:

Vér mótmælum öllu!

Látum það ganga!

Þjóð gengur þá þrír ganga!

Byltingin bloggar sig sjálf!

Sjá nánar sögu Galopnu kröfugöngunnar á vefslóðinni:

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23 des, heima

Tók aðeins á bibbanum heima

curl sitjandi m. handlóð
22kg 4x8
concentration curl á hné
22 4x10
Arnold curl
22kg 4x8-10

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Myndir frá jólum

Vildu láta ykkur vita af thví ad ég er búinn ad henda inn myndum frá jólunum. Annars er bara óskop fátt ad frétta nema ad ég fór á strondina í gaer sem var mikid fjor thangad til ad ég uppgvotadi thad ad ég hafi brennst illa á baki og hondum og núna er húdin byrjud ad flagna af mér, og thetta gerdist thrátt fyrir ad hafa borid á mig sólarvorn. Greinilega er sólin hérna svona sterk eda ég tharf kaupa mér sterkari sólarvorn, gaeti verid hvort tveggja. Svo er helvítis flugan sem their kalla zancudos byrjud ad éta mig upp til agna, og nádi ég ad telja a.m.k. 7 bit adeins á loppunum. En thad sem er verst er ad madur er oftast bitinn á nóttunni á medan madur er sofandi. Á naestunni er ég sídan ad fara í útskriftarteiti hjá vinkonu minni frá Austurríki thar sem er bordadur gódur matur og tekid fram dansskónna og dansad eins og enginn sé morgundagurinn. En thetta er ágaett í bili.


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I ♥ Music

Þetta er síðan mín ;]
Um allt og ekkert, tónlist, myndir og bækur.
That is the main topic.
Ég á aðra síðu, en þessi er öðruvísi en hún.
Hin síðan heitir  (a)
Check it out ppl!
Main ástæðan fyrir því að ég gerði þessa síður er sú að mér leiðist XD

Það eru nokkrir hlutir sem eru must knowum mig
Ég elskatwilight

I like JB
Ég hata techno :/

og svo eitthvað fleira en nenni ekki að segja núna, you'll just have to get to know me better and better, by reading my blog ;]
Twinkle, twinkle, little star
peace out -  xoxo

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Fjölmenni á jólaballi

Í dag hélt kvenfélagið Sigurvon hið árlega jólaball sitt í félagsheimilinu Lýsuhóli.  Fjölmenni var, um 130 manns, enda er unga fólkið í sveitinni duglegt að mæta, með sína kærustur og kærasta og börn, auk þess sem afar og ömmur slæðast með líka.  Dansað var í kringum jólatréið og síðan mættu tveir jólasveinar en heldur voru þeir rólegir og fór lítið fyrir þeim á þessari samkomu, kannski þreyttir eftir ferð sína af fjöllum.  Kaffimeðlæti var af bestu gerð og vel úti látið, enda veitti ekki af.  Kay Wiggs lék undir söng gesta en enga jólasögu fengum við að heyra hjá prestinum, sem var fjarri góðu gamni við þénustu í Staðarhraunskirkju á Mýrum en það er austasta kirkjan í prestakallinu en alls eru kirkjurnar átta sem Staðarstaðarprestur sinnir.  Sannkallað vorveður var í dag og ekki vertrarlegt um að lítast.

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Orðaglens(Til að stytta sér stundir í skammdeginu)

Dansandi jólasveinn.
Hoppandi gúrka.
Talandi mandarína.
Sofandi skemmdarverk.
Syngjandi bílvélavirki.
Vaknandi samverji.
Syndandi sverð.
Drukknandi maðkur.
Slúðrandi sundlaug.
Vinnandi vandali.
Þreytandi Þjóðverji.
Borðandi krossútsaumur.
Mygluð moskítófluga.
Drekkandi dádýr.
Hunsandi jóladagatal.
Geltandi gítar.
Hugsandi vinnualki.
Fallandi flóðhestur.
Hneggjandi Breti.
Skapandi skáldskaparmál.
Leikandi sjónvarp.
Faðmandi kóteletta.
Kúkandi penni.
Sleikjandi steingervingafræðingur.
Kvartandi kanína.
Niðurdrepandi hælmýkingarkrem.

Hver er svarti sauðurinn?

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Orðaglens(Til að stytta sér stundir í skammdeginu)

Dansandi jólasveinn. Hoppandi gúrka. Talandi mandarína. Sofandi skemmdarverk. Syngjandi bílvélavirki. Vaknandi samverji. Syndandi sverð. Drukknandi maðkur. Slúðrandi sundlaug. Vinnandi vandali. Þreytandi Þjóðverji. Borðandi krossútsaumur. Mygluð moskítófluga. Drekkandi dádýr. Hunsandi jóladagatal. Geltandi gítar. Hugsandi vinnualki. Fallandi flóðhestur. Hneggjandi Breti. Skapandi skáldskaparmál. Leikandi sjónvarp. Faðmandi kóteletta. Kúkandi penni. Sleikjandi steingervingafræðingur. Kvartandi kanína. Niðurdrepandi hælmýkingarkrem. Hver er svarti sauðurinn?

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ˣI freak whenever you see a silver Volvo!
ˣI check the twilighters site more than me Facebook/MySpace pages.
ˣWhen people ask me if I want to go to the movies and I automatically try to convince them to see Twilight for the millionth time.
ˣWhile I’m washing the dishes I think “I wouldn’t have to wash stupid dishes if I were a vampire!”
ˣI do nothing but think about twilight, dedicate every song I hear to twilight, cried when I saw Robert cut his hair, get ridiculed relentlessly b/c of my obsession with twilight, refresh twilight websites every 5 minutes to check for more twilight news, get into huge arguments, maybe even catfights while fighting about twilight.
ˣI try and convince everyone you know to read and love twilight as much as you do!
I never shut up about twilight. I know everything that happens. I can tell the whole story to my friends in detail when they ask. I can name all the characters and the actors that play them.
ˣI’d look at my boyfriend and think “Dammit, why don't you sparkle!”
ˣI look at apples in a completely different way.
ˣI can discuss the vampire and werewolf psyche for hours on end with someone who has NO IDEA what I am talking about.
ˣI am immediately attracted when a guy tells me his name is Edward
ˣI am desperate for a 1953 red Chevy pickup, a silver S60R Volvo, a red BMW M3 convertible, a black Mercedes S55 AMG, a yellow 911 Porche, a Volkswagen Rabbit, a Harley, Honda, or Ducati motorcycle, a red Ferrari, Mercedes Guard, or any other vehicle that was in the Twilight Saga including a police cruiser.
ˣI already know every line of the movie after seeing it just 2 times.
ˣEverytime I see the word twilight I freak out even if it has nothing to do with twilight.
ˣI put glitter on myself so I can sparkle in the sun too like a vampire - and I did this before I heard about the body glitter they are selling a Hot Topic.
ˣI sign on to daily/hourly checking up on the latest scoop on anything twilight related
ˣI insist a friend read Twilight and they immediately buy the rest of the books and finish them in a weekend
ˣWhen I look over in history class and see a girl reading a black book, I crane my neck and see the line “something with her scent on it”. I turn to my best friend and proclaim “IT’S ECLIPSE!”
ˣI consider naming my children after anyone in the Twilight saga.
ˣMe and Twilight friends call each other Dogs or Bloodsuckers...
ˣI wish that my parents named me; Bella, Alice or any other name that has appeared in the twilight books
ˣI make my friends read the books
ˣEvery time I hear twilight in school my head pops up and I have an hour conversation with that person even though they really don’t know what your talking about because they haven’t read the books.
ˣI Worship your Signed copy of any of the Twilight books
ˣWhen I do something really cool or spontaneous, I like to say ”It’s cuz I’m secretly a vampire.”
ˣI seriously consider buying red contact lenses, just to see what it looks like.
ˣI make all my friends sit down and look at all the pictures I have collected of Edward Cullen (or Jacob Black)
ˣI cried because Edward left Bella in New Moon.
ˣI cried when Jacob left in Eclipse.
ˣI finish every sentence with TEAM JACOB or TEAM EDWARD.
ˣI buy every magazine with anything about twilight on it, such as the actors.
ˣI’ve gone to the see The Twilight Movie more then once
ˣI named my favorite Teddy Bear “Emmett”
ˣI buy magazines featuring anything 'Twilight obsessively.'
ˣWhen I hear a thunder, my immediate thought is that vampires are playing baseball.
ˣI want urgently to go to Forks.
ˣI read the saga for the millionth time and still cry/cheer/laugh out loud and hope like hell I can find a love like that.
ˣMy teacher asks me that ‘If you can be anywhere in anytime period’ question and I scream, “CHICAGO, 1902!!!”
ˣWhen I get an apple, I hold it that special way.
ˣI stick my head out the window of the car while its driving and imagine I’m on Edwards back while he’s running.
ˣEvery time I see something TWILIGHT I shriek and say “OMG TWILIGHT!!!!!!” until people start staring at me like your crazy
ˣI have “Supermassive Black Hole” or “Decode” or “Bella’s Lullaby” as a ringtone
ˣWhen I let your friend borrow ECLIPSE, I threaten her life if she does not bring it back to me the same way I gave it to her.
ˣI actually had a dream where Stephenie Meyer actually signed my twilight copy.
ˣWhen I see a RED Volvo, I scream at the person nearest me who you’ve never seen before in your life “NO!!!!! VOLVOS ARE SUPPOSED TO BE SILVER!!!!!!!! ITS A LAW!!!!!!!!”
ˣWhen my little sister gets on my nerves, I say “how can something so small be so annoying?”
ˣWhen people try to tell me the “latest” news about twilight, I say “dude that happened YESTERDAY for crying out loud”

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Jól og jólaboð

Við mæðgur komum heim til Íslands 16 des, og var fagnað mjög af fjölskyldunni eins og við var að búast. Allur jólaundirbúningur var í miklum rólegheitum og ekkert stress hér á bæ. Nenni því ekki lengur. Bara í kaffi hingað og þangað og át jóla-smákökur hjá öðrum. Við Hilda bökuðum að vísu eina sort af smákökum og svo bjó ég náttúrulega til jólaísinn, hann má ekki vanta hér á bæ. :haha:
Ragnheiður (hennar Siggu systir) og Jacob slógu upp danskri veislu á laugardeginum fyrir jól og buðu uppá allskyns rétti, bæði kalda og heita, allt hvert öðru betra. Veislan var haldin heima hjá Siggu, þar sem þau búa á Akureyri. Bestu þakkir fyrir gott boð.:)
Við (ég ,Sigga og pabbi og Ragnheiður) förum í skötuveislu til Berglindar frænku og Jonna á Þorláksmessu og var það mjög gaman. Alltaf jafn yndislegt að hitta þau, þó að það sé nú eiginlega of sjaldan, bara á þessum degi. En kærar þakkir fyrir að bjóða okkur ,frænka.:)
Við erum alltaf bara fjögur á aðfangadag og var það líka svo núna. Að vísu var þetta aðeins öðruvísi en venjulegur aðfangadagur, þar sem ég var ekki að syngja í Fríkirkjukórnum og svo fór Ágústa að vinna kl hálf átta til miðnættis. En við drifum okkur í miðnæturmessu og var það mjög notalegt.
Á jóladag fengum við svo pabba,Siggu og krakkana hennar og tengdason í mat og svo spiluðu þau saman og  hvert á annað að ég held fram eftir kvöldi.
Fengum frí á annan dag jóla en á þriðja í jólum var jólaboð fjölskyldunnar hans Harrys og mættu um 40 manns. Breyttum aðeins til og höfðum "Brunch"  og tókst það bara vel að mér fannst. Kem ekki þeim myndum inn hér því þær eru of stórar.
Svo fórum við í kvöld í leikhús á "Fólkið í blokkinni" og mér fannst nú bara gaman, og held að hinum úr fjölsk. hafi líka þótt það.
Læt þetta nægja í bili.
Jólakveðjur, Olla

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Æfingar hefjast á ný 10.janúar á HK-velli kl.12:00

Jæja þá er jólamótið búið og sömuleiðis árið að klárast.

Við óskum ykkur Gleðilegs árs og við sjáumst aftur 10 janúar á HK-gervigrasvelli kl.12:00.

Takk fyrir árið sem er að líða, framundan er nýtt ár og nýjar áskoranir...:)

Milos og Hjalti

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demm beinverkir eða somhing

ég búin vera með liðverki beinverkið í allan dag eða hvað sem þetta gallast.  ekki þækilegt .kaski hreyfileisi þarf vera duglegari að  hreyfa mig:^):^) er stundum löt.ættla reyna fara meira  út .og gá hvort þetta lagast.;)það er einver flensa ganga.ég er ekki með hita.samt beinverkir er ég búin vera með  það í allan dag. demm. ég er reyna laga svefn minn án náttulyfja.það gengur  svona allt í lagi.ekkert nóu vel samt.ættla sofa 2 . núna svo kaski 1  á morgun ef ég get.fór flugeldasýningu áðan rosa gaman.fég mér heitt kakó áðan.prufa nýja hraðsuðuketilin minn eða hvað sem það heitir.bæbæbæ sofa soon bæbæb gn

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"Music You (Possibly) Won't Hear Anyplace Else" - 1 new article

  1. Sunday Morning Gospel: The Haitian Gospel Quartet--Victory in Jesus
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Sunday Morning Gospel: The Haitian Gospel Quartet--Victory in Jesus


The Haitian Gospel Quartet's Victory in Jesus LP tells us nothing about the group--beyond the fact they're called The Haitian Gospel Quartet (or, on the cover, the "Haitian Quartet"). The back jacket is blank--no track listing, nothing. Luckily, the titles show up on the label.

And that's the whole story. Nothing on/at Google for the "Haitian Gospel Quartet." That's the way it goes, sometimes.

Great stuff. Four tracks are accompanied, the rest are a cappella. An accordian is used in one instance. A minority of titles are sung in English--the rest are in French, or so it sounds to my language-discerning software. Best non-English track of all--Power in the Blood. Followed closely by Charles Gabriel's Since Jesus Came Into My Heart. Best English-language track--probably In the Garden. I just love the way they do it.

Four or five volume surges show up on this LP (a short in the mixing board?), and I carefully volume-leveled each occurrence by splicing the files and lowering the bar thingie on the MAGIX display. The bar thingie comes in handy for that purpose.

This LP is a treat, and not only for those dying to hear Power in the Blood sung in French by a Haitian quartet. It's fun for anyone who appreciates unadorned sound documents. What do I mean by "unadorned sound documents"? Download these documents and find out. The Haitian Gospel Quartet from, um... er.... From sometime. At some church. On the Paradise Records label.

The Haitian Gospel Quartet--Victory in Jesus (Paradise Records 1002)


Bells Ring the Gospel
There Is Power in the Blood
In the Garden
What Shall the Harvest Be
Victory in Jesus
Pass Me Not
Master the Tempest is Raging
We Will Walk to Heaven
Since Jesus Came Into My Heart
Oh How I Love Jesus
There's Sunshine in My Soul; Amen-Amen

Some months after originally posting this, I received this very cool comment:

"This was a real treat! By the way the reed-y sound is an accordeon. I know this because I play accordeon. The bass progressions kind of sells it. Groups like this one are still very popular and can be found all over Haiti. They go about from churches to churches singing concerts on Sabbath or Sunday afternoons. Haitian is a poor people but we go through life singing; we sing with our souls, we sing about everything, mostly we sing about our creator and redeemer.Thank you for this post."

To say that it was my pleasure is an understatement. Download-wise, the file received 840 before being deleted by Savefile (for lack of activity).


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Os fantasmas e\ou as fantasias sexuais de um casal em NY. Um Kubrick psicanalista que terá levado à descoberta do que de mais íntimo os intérpretes viviam dentro e fora do celuloide 0 1 2 - post by: rima - @

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Na lepem prijazni - Na lepem prijazni (1...

Na lepem prijazni - Na lepem prijazni (1980) YUG
Bitrate: 256 mp3
Size: 69.0
Artwork Included
Vinyl rip


9. ČAO
10. EGON

pwd: najpogodnijemesto

Gas Max - Mi jih beremo ko jih pobiramo ...

Gas Max - Mi jih beremo ko jih pobiramo (1986) YUG
Bitrate: 256 mp3
Size: 66.3
Artwork Included
Vinyl rip



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Cicci Santucci and Enzo Scoppa Group for Dire Italy from 1971.
Recorded and Produced in Rome June 1971 by Piero Umiliani.
Cicci Santucci(tp,arr); Enzo Scoppa(ts,comp); Joel Vandrokenbrak(org); Franco D'Andrea(p,el-p); Bruno Tommaso(b); Roberto Podio, Gegé Munari, Bruno Biriaco(perc).

Moving to Italy and Rome 1971 for this fabulous P.Umiliani production of the Santucci Scoppa Group who are on fire for this set of ten originals which fair crackle off the wax with sheer energy and intensity.
Every cut's a winner but just check out the super tough dancers "Camel Walk" and "Tip Cat" ,El Gato influenced "Tagana",the 6/8 Sardininan sounds of "Barbagia" and the dark modality of "Generational Gap".
Umiliani comments on the rear sleeve "I asked them[Santucci/Scoppa]for incisive and strong themes,but not artificially obscure just to be modern ,rhythms rich and contemporary,a whole array of different atmospheres,and most of all,brief solos" from which one can only surmise that Umiliani had library plans for the project which were confirmed when he issued it through his Soundworks label a year later as "Olimpiadi".
No matter the reasons for recording this is just a terrific lp which earns the accolade:

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Toodle-Loo To You

Some good sounds from the unknown-to-me Ruby Wright, found at Quiet, There's a Lady on Stage.

And when you're there, you can get the Damita Jo and Bonnie Lou and the Eartha Kitt sides too....

Ruby Wright: Toodle-Loo To You

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ca199 - Squadra Omega - Tenebroso

Artist: Squadra Omega
Title: Tenebroso
Date: 2008-12-26
Keywords: old drunken kosmik orchestra; free improv; noise; other
01 - Tenebroso - 19:54 (320 kbps)

Squadra Omega:
Italian project born as a free impro(bable) session combo, fully coordinated by Nihil Is Me and Mr MojoMatt. Sounds like an old drunken kosmik orchestra mixed with the noises from a 56k modem.

Tenebroso is the result of a night of sounds played together by Omega Kaanan (the Intelligence) , OmegaNene (Movie Star Junkies, Vermillion Sands), OmegaMatt (the Mojomatics), OmegaG8 (With Love), OmegaMac (Apoteosi del Mistero)

Session recorded with an 8 track cassette recorder at OutsideInside Studio during a joyfull night in May 2008.

OmegaKaanan: drums
OmegaMatt: sax
OmegaMac: bzz bZz machine
OmegaNene: bass
OmegaG8: guitar

No fear of the future, no fear of the past
(space is the space, place is the place)



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"SqueezeMyLemon" - 1 new article

  1. Folk, Gospel & Blues - Will the Circle Be Unbroken
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Folk, Gospel & Blues - Will the Circle Be Unbroken

I don't think I can recommend this mp3 album more enthusiastically. I love it, and think that fans of the blues, folk music, and gospel music will too. Just check out the various artist who are included here.

The cool part about mp3 albums is that you only have to buy the tracks that you like, but in this case each track is a keeper.

Folk, Gospel & Blues: Will The Circle Be Unbroken
Folk, Gospel & Blues: Will The Circle Be Unbroken
click image for mp3s

1. Ezekiel Saw De Wheel - Fisk Jubilee Singers
2. Crazy Blues - Mamie Smith & Her Jazz Hounds
3. Careless Love Blues - Bessie Smith
4. Frankie - Mississippi John Hurt
5. Lord I Can't Just Keep From Crying - Blind Willie Johnson
6. What Are They Doing In Heaven Today - Washington Phillips
7. Sitting On Top Of The World - The Mississippi Sheiks
8. Blues Before Sunrise - Leroy Carr & Scrapper Blackwell
9. If You See My Saviour - Thomas A. Dorsey
10. Broke Down Engine - Blind Willie McTell
11. Mister Tom Hughe's Town - Leadbelly
12. Cross Road Blues - Robert Johnson
13. Key To The Highway - Big Bill Broonzy
14. Nine Foot Shovel - Joshua White
15. Cowboy's Lament - Burl Ives
16. Me And My Chauffeur Blues - Memphis Minnie
17. Swing Down Chariot - The Golden Gate Quartet
18. Dere's A Man Goin' Round / I Know De Lord - Paul Robeson
19. Baby Please Don't Go - Big Joe Williams
20. Hard Day Blues - Muddy Waters
21. I'll Never Forget - Ira Tucker & The Dixie Hummingbirds
22. I'll Fly Away - The Trumpeteers
23. I Will Move On Up A Little Higher - Mahalia Jackson
24. Greenfields - The Brotehrs Four

1. Blowin' In The Wind - Bob Dylan
2. The Patriot Game - The Clancy Brothers & Tommy Makem
3. Green, Green - The New Christy Minstrels feat. Barry McGuire
4. We Shall Overcome - Pete Seeger
5. The Sound Of Silence - Simon & Garfunkel
6. Death Letter - Son House
7. Little Boxes - Malvina Reynolds
8. Will The Circle Be Unbroken - The Staple Singers
9. Suzanne - Leonard Cohen
10. Going Up To The Country, Paint My Mailbox Blue - Taj Mahal
11. These Days - Tom Rush
12. Mean Mistreater - Johnny Winter
13. I'm Your Hoochie Coochie Man - Willie Dixon
14. Blue River - Eric Andersen
15. Longer - Dan Fogelberg
16. Romeo's Tune - Steve Forget
17. Pride And Joy - Stevie Ray Vaughan And Double Trouble
18. Steady On - Shawn Colvin
19. Galileo - Indigo Girls
20. Stand Still - Shirley Ceasar feat. John P. Kee
21. Every Morning - Keb'Mo'

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"STAY FREE" - 6 new articles

  1. Man Man - Six Demon Bag
  2. Vivian Girls - idem
  3. Neutral Milk Hotel - On Avery Island
  4. Hole - Live Through This
  5. Jolie Holland - Springtime can kill you
  6. Silencia - City lights satellites
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Man Man - Six Demon Bag

1. Feathers (2:08)
2. Engrish Bwudd (3:33)
3. Banana Ghost (2:54)
4. Young Einstein On The Beach (0:58)
5. Skin Tension (3:46)
6. Black Mission Goggles (4:59)
7. Hot Bat (1:26)
8. Push The Eagle's Stomach (3:39)
9. Spider Cider (3:05)
10.Van Helsing Boombox (3:44)
11.Tunneling Through The Guy (5:25)
12.Fishstick Gumbo (0:04)
13.Ice Dogs (4:45)

Una de esas bandas que nunca se explicar a que carajo suena. Ya me pasó cuando publiqué su último disco (uno de mis favoritos de los que salieron este año) y me vuelve a ocurrir ahora con este, su album anterior del año 2006.
Es uno de esos grupos con cientos de instrumentos "raros" para una banda de rock, como pueden ser un xilofón, una melódica, flautas, marimba, etc etc, ademas de otros más tradicionales como guitarra, bajo, bateria, trompeta, piano y teclados.
Por momentos suena rockero, de golpe pinta la onda cirquense, al toque agarran para el lado de la gitaneada y asi te hacen pasar por distintos estados de animo sin dar respiro.
Ideal para estas fiestas, para poner en la noche del 31 a las 4 de la mañana, cuando la sidra ya se acabó y le empezaste a entrar a las bebidas blancas que tenés guardadas fermentando desde hace décadas en un mueble de tu casa.

Por suerte existe una página llamada la blogotheque que nos permite deleitarnos con videos como estos.


VBR - 61 mb


Vivian Girls - idem

1. All the Time (1:57)
2. Such a Joke (1:43)
3. Wild Eyes (1:54)
4. Going Insane (1:29)
5. Tell the World (3:34)
6. Where Do You Run To (3:14)
7. Damaged (2:06)
8. No (1:19)
9. Never See Me Again (1:40)
10.I Believe in Nothing (2:20)

At 21 minutes long Vivian Girls' debut album is over almost before it begins; it flashes by in a cloud of sludgy distortion and hissy noise. The trio belongs to a proud heritage of noise pop that started (as do so many things) with the Velvet Underground, went through to the Shop Assistants and early My Bloody Valentine in the mid-'80s, and continued on to Black Tambourine and Tiger Trap in the late '90s. Along with current bands like Times New Viking, Vivian Girls take their cues from their predecessors and cover their melodies in fuzzy gunk. It's a winning formula, as the bands mentioned previously have proven. Vivian Girls don't add much to the formula here as they race through the ten songs at a breathless pace, submerging the guitars in a sludgy murk and barely pausing for breath. The vocals sound rushed and off-key, the harmonies are flat at times, and the drums often fall behind the beat as the rest of the band races for the finish line. If you demand precision and timing from your pop music, you'll be aghast at the trio's lack of professionalism. But what Vivian Girls sacrifice in chops, they gain back double in energy and immediacy. The sound of three people ripping through hooky tunes without regard for pleasantries and taste is one of the joys of rock & roll, and Vivian Girls do satisfy on that account. The album could have used more variation; the only ballad on the album ("Where Do You Run") is one of the highlights, and proof that the band doesn't need to bash everything out all the time. The bashing sounds pretty good, though, and a couple of the songs like "Tell the World" and "Wild Eyes" match up well with the best work of their influences. This is a fine introduction to the group, and if Vivian Girls stay out of fancy studios and keep cranking out good songs, they might come up with something as classic as Will Anything Happen or Tiger Trap. (via

VBR - 42 mb


Neutral Milk Hotel - On Avery Island

1. Song Against Sex (3:40)
2. You've Passed (2:54)
3. Someone Is Waiting (2:31)
4. A Baby For Pree (1:21)
5. Marching Theme (2:58)
6. Where You'll Find Me Now (4:04)
7. Avery Island/April 1st (1:48)
8. Gardenhead/Leave Me Alone (3:14)
9. Three Peaches (4:01)
10.Naomi (4:53)
11.April 8th (2:47)
12.Pree-Sisters Swallowing A Donkey's Eye (13:49)

El lp debut de NMH, no es la obra maestra que fue su segundo disco In the aeroplane over the sea, pero tiene lindas canciones.

192 kbps // 65 mb


Hole - Live Through This

1. Violet
2. Miss World
3. Plump
4. Asking For It
5. Jennifers Body
6. Doll Parts
7. Credit In The Straight World
8. Softer, Softest
9. She Walks On Me
10. I Think That I Would Die
11. Gutless
12. Rock Star

128 kbps / 36 MB


Enviado por Juan

Jolie Holland - Springtime can kill you

01 Crush in the ghetto
02 Mehitabel's blues
03 Springtime can kill you
04 Crazy dreams
05 You're not satisfied
06 Stubborn beast
07 Please don't
08 Moonshiner
09 Ghostly girl
10 Nothing to do but dream
11 Adieu false heart
12 Mexican blue

Jolie Holland es una cantante de country-folk y jazz estadounidense. Nació en Houston, Texas, EEUU, en 1975. Actualmente vive en San Francisco. Sus raíces musicales incluyen nombres claves del country estadounidense como Woody Guthrie y figuras del jazz como Billie Holliday.
En sus comienzos formó parte, junto con Trish Klein y Samantha Parton del grupo Be Good Tanyas. Holland escribía las canciones del grupo, con el que grabó el álbum “Blue Horse” en 2001. Se alejó luego de los Tanyas por cuestiones musicales, mudándose a San Francisco, y allí pronto alcanzó gran circulación con una grabación casera que tuvo un éxito inesperado. Realizó una grabación casera, con la colaboración de su ex compañera Parton, y con una pequeña tirada de 40 copias comenzó a vender el demo en sus shows. En poco tiempo, esa grabación casera estaba circulando por internet y en varias radios independientes a lo largo de los Estados Unidos. Tiempo después, firmaría contrato con el sello Anti Records, que editó esa grabación bajo el título de “Catalpa” (en recuerdo de un árbol que Holland recordaba de sus tiempos en Texas). Este primer disco de Holland tuvo un notable incremento en su éxito a partir de que Tom Waits, quien lo nominara para el premio Shortlist en 2003. Para esa época, un periodista del diario Chicago Tribune, se refería a Jollie Holland como “una especie de Norah Jones con algunas asperezas o, al revés, una especie de Tom Waits pero con muchas menos asperezas”.
En 2004, la edición de su segundo disco, “Escondida”, catapultó su éxito, llevándola a recorrer el mundo: en una gira de nueves meses, realizó tres tours europeos, tres a lo largo de norteamérica, y visitó Australia y Nueva Zelanda. Para el mes de julio de 2005, había alcanzado el prestigioso escenario de Montreal Jazz Festival.
Sus caminos se consolidaron, ingresando definitivamente en la lista de grandes jóvenes artistas del folk de los EEUU, con la edición de “Springtime can kill you”, tercer disco de Jollie Holland, en el año 2006.


Enviado por Pablo

Cd que habiamos subido el 29/11/07 ahora en un link funcional.

Silencia - City lights satellites

01 - Ave
02 - Living a lie
03 - Una tarde a solas
04 - The sun tonight
05 - Fly away

Este es un grupo de Rock alternativo independiente de Argentinos que reside en Barcelona. Este es su primer EP y quiero compartirlo con todos ustedes. Estan teniendo bastante repercusión por estos lados. (Rollingstone, Mtv, Bacardi)
Estuvieron de gira por toda europa, comenzando en la pequeña ciudad de Murmansk (Rusia) y acabando en la isla de Itaka (Grecia), un mes intenso en el cual hicieron actuaciones en las siguientes ciudades: Kirkenes, Bergen (Noruega) - Sundsvall (Suecia) - Aalborg (Dinamarca) - Berlin (Alemania) - Zagreb (Croacia)
Aparte de esto, el viaje fue filmado para una Promoción de el ron BACARDI. Este es el link donde se puede ver todo su viaje.


Enviado por Patricio

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With Dexter Gordon and Friends
Jazz Alive New Year’s Eve Special 1980 [no label, 3CD]

Live at the Keystone Korner, San Francisco, December 31, 1980. Very good NPR broadcast.

In the ’60s, San Francisco’s Keystone Korner played host to acts such as Mike Bloomfield, Boz Scaggs, Elvin Bishop, Tom Fogerty and Jerry Garcia. In 1972, the club was sold and became a hit jazz spot.

To welcome in 1981, saxophonist Dexter Gordon and a host of jazz luminaries - including trumpeter Woody Shaw, saxophonist Sonny Stitt, guitarist Kenny Burrell and drummer Billy Higgins - were on hand to provide the evening’s entertainment.

Thanks to davidraphael for sharing this cool and swinging show on the Dime site to welcome 2009 (or to say goodbye to the old one).

Disc 1 (59:26)
Track 101. Intro (0:34)
Track 102. The Common Ground (KB/BW/BH) (9:23)
Track 103. I Can’t Get Started (add SS & CW) (10:04)
Track 104. Uptempo Blues (same) (9:57)
Track 105. Walton Waltz (CW/BW/BH) (14:13)
Track 106. On the Trail (DG/KB/CW/BW/BH) (15:15)

Disc 2 (58:42)
Track 201. Auld Lang Syne (add SS, EA) - Announcements (11:15)
Track 202. Cheesecake (DGQ) (14:18)
Track 203. Body And Soul (DGQ) (18:27)
Track 204. Fried Bananas (add WS) (14:42)

Disc 3 (63:28)
Track 301. Tanya (DGQ & WS) (24:50)
Track 302. Polka Dots And Moonbeams (same) (17:45)
Track 303. Blues Up And Down (DGQ & SS) (15:06)
Track 304. Round Midnight (DGQ & EA - cut)

Dexter Gordon Quartet:
Dexter Gordon - tenor sax
Kirk Lightsey - piano
David Eubanks - bass
Eddie Gladden - drums

Woody Shaw - trumpet
Sonny Stitt - tenor sax
Kenny Burrell - guitar
Cedar Walton - piano
Buster Williams - bass
Billy Higgins - drums
Ernie Andrews - vocal

Click here for the tracks.

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"the manchester morgue" - 2 new articles

  1. John Carpenter - Assualt on Precinct 13
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John Carpenter - Assualt on Precinct 13

As requested here is John Carpenter's music from John Carpenter's 1976 film Assault on Precinct 13. I'm not quite sure which version this is, the tracklist I see for it on Soundtrack Collector only has 16 tracks, the one I have here today has 27. I believe it may have been ripped from an isolated score from the DVD release, but I'm not certain.

Zombie Related Injuries or Fatalities

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"The strange experience of music" - 1 new article

  1. Bob Brown - Father Of My Song (1973)
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Bob Brown - Father Of My Song (1973)

Maître spirituel indien, Meher Baba (1884 - 1969) s'est donné un rôle d'éveilleur de consciences et de rassembleur de toutes les religions et cultes. Ce "Père Compatissant", qui s'autodéclara l'incarnation de Dieu sur Terre (l'Avatar), a compté (et compte encore) une multitude de sympathisants et d'adeptes dans le monde. Dans la sphère rock, le plus célèbre Baba-lover - Pete Townshend - a offert à son "gourou" une notoriété publique au travers de plusieurs projets musicaux (Tommy, la chanson Baba O'Riley,...). D'autres disciples ont également pris leurs instruments pour chanter sa gloire. Le plus talentueux et illuminé d'entre-eux s'appelle Bob Brown(1). Totalement absorbé par son amour, celui-ci livre bien plus qu'une simple œuvre de propagande. "Father of My Song" cache en effet des trésors de mélodies folk, enchante par sa lenteur cosmique, dégage une ambiance mystique réellement fascinante et envoûtante. Un disque inspiré, onirique et beau, à ranger à côté du merveilleux disque de Siddha. (1) A ne pas confondre avec ce Bob Brown The Great God Man If I Follow You Once I Turned My Eyes To The Sky I'll Wait

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"You & Me on a Jamboree!" - 2 new articles

  1. Various Artists - Reggae To The U.K. With Love [1971]
  2. John Holt - Dusty Roads [1974]
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Various Artists - Reggae To The U.K. With Love [1971]

Muitos acreditam que a explosão do Reggae, assim como sua aceitação do público, foi pelo fato dele ter alcançado o topo das paradas britânicas, saindo da Jamaica e cruzando o Atlantico chegando então a outra ilha, esta a da rainha, que abalou-se com o ritmo contagiante do Reggae assim como os Skinheads que trataram de toma-lo como som oficial, fazendo do Reggae viver grande parte de suas glórias e sucessos na Grã-bretanha, sendo chamado de Britsh Reggae.

A capa desse álbum não poderia ser melhor para descrever o presente dado pelos jamaicanos à cena musical britância que ficou bem mais rica com a "Reggae Invasion"

Talvez o Blog fique uns dias sem postagens pois eu assim como os outros membros estão de férias. Voltaremos assim que possível....


Boas Festas !

The Progressions
- Live Only For Love
The Progressions - Summertime Rock
Freddie McKay - So Long, Farewell
Freddie McKay - Sunny Sunday Morning
Barry Anthony - All I Need Is Love
The Emotions - Love You Most Of All
The Emotions - This Old House
The Progressions - Fair Deal
The Progressions - Are You Ready
Freddie McKay - Tears Won't Help You
The Progressions - Ain't That Crude
The Progressions - Dum Dum Song


John Holt - Dusty Roads [1974]

Tell Me Why
After All
I Don't Mind
Not So Close
I'll Light Your Fire
You'd Better Take Time
Dusty Roads
These Old Memories
In The Middle Of The Night
Make This Young Lady Mine
I Won't Let You Forget
The Same Old Thing


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"Zinhof" - 1 new article

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...mp3-192kbps................................................................................................................................Password:zinhof...... FACES - Five Guys Walk Into A Bar... (2004) DISC 1: 01. Flying 02. On The Beach 03. Too Bad 04. If Im On The Late Side 05. Debris 06. Jealous Guy 07. Evil (Rehearsal) 08. As Long As You Tell Him 09. Maggie May (Live/BBC) 10. Cindy Incidentally (Alternate Mix) 11. Maybe Im Amazed (Live/BBC) 12. Insurance 13. I Came Looking For You (Rehearsal) 14. Last Orders Please 15. Wyndlesham Bay (Jodie) 16. I Can Feel The Fire (Live) 17. Tonights Number 18. Come See Me Baby (The Cheater) DISC 2: 01. Pool Hall Richard 02. Youre My Girl 03. Glad And Sorry 04. Shake, Shudder, Shiver (Rehearsal) 05. Miss Judys Farm (Live/BBC) 06. Richmond 07. Thats All You Need 08. Rear Wheel Skid 09. Maybe Im Amazed 10. (If Loving You Is Wrong) I Dont Want To Be Right 11. Take A Look At The Guy (Live) 12. Flags And Banners 13. Bad N Ruin (Live/BBC) 14. Around The Plynth 15. Sweet Lady Mary 16. Had Me A Real Good Time 17. Cut Across Shorty (Live/BBC) DISC 3: 01. Youre So Rude 02. (I Know) Im Losing You (Live/BBC) 03. Love Lives Here 04. Id Rather Go Blind (Live) 05. Hi-Heel Sneakers/Everybody Needs/Somebody To Love 06. Gettin Hungry 07. Silicone Grown 08. Oh Lord Im Browned Off 09. Just Another Honky 10. Open To Ideas 11. Skewiff (Mend The Fuse) 12. Too Bad (Live) 13. Rock Me 14. Angel (Live/BBC) 15. Stay With Me (Live/BBC) 16. Ooh La La DISC 4: 01. The Stealer (Live/BBC) 02. Around The Plynth/Gasoline Alley 03. You Can Make Me Dance, Sing Or Anything 04. I Wish It Would Rain (Live) 05. Miss Judys Farm (Live/BBC) 06. Love In Vain (Live/BBC) 07. My Fault (Live/BBC) 08. I Feel So Good (Rehearsal) 09. Miss Judys Farm 10. Three Button Hand Me Down 11. Cindy Incidentally 12. Borstal Boys 13. Flying (Live/BBC) 14. Bad N Ruin 15. Dishevelment Blues 16. Stay With Me From 1969 to 1975 the Faces - Rod Stewart, Ian McLagan, Ron Wood, Ronnie Lane, and Kenney Jones - played their loose and joyful blues and soul-inflected rock 'n' roll with reckless abandon, consummate skill, and immeasurable charm. For those few years they were arguably the greatest band on the planet, and their influence has resonated ever since through the music of countless acts, from the Sex Pistols to The Replacements to The Black Crowes, and on and on. After the Faces dissolved in 1975, Stewart went on to solo superstardom, Wood to the Stones, Jones to The Who, McLagan to world - class session work and his own recordings, and Lane to acclaimed solo projects before he succumbed to multiple sclerosis in 1997. Greater than the sum of its parts, the Faces made now - immortal music for which there will never, ever be a last call. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

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